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Jade is sodium aluminium silicate. The crystal is usually green, but other colours are available - white, orange, yellow, grey, black and lavender. This stone has been worn as jewellery from time immemorial and used to make tools, weapons, carvings, religious art, and sculptures.
In many cultures, the crystal meant happiness, courage, purity, longevity, and wisdom. It is believed to help those seeking love and to provide health, prosperity, and wealth. It encourages living to the fullest in all possible aspects.
Jade will remove all obstacles you face in carrying out your plans. It will give you the strength not to stumble and pursue your goals even if you face setbacks. Also, the crystal will remove self-critical thoughts and self-limitations. In turn, you will become unstoppable in all areas of life.
By creating a solid connection with the heart chakra, the crystal can serve to heal emotional wounds. It calms the mind and promotes purity. Jadeite will help restore the lost relationship with your inner child, who is waiting for you to remember him again and let him manifest in the deepest corner of the heart.
Approximate weight: 15g.
Approximate size: 2x2,4x1,3cm.
Crystal: Jade.
Country of origin: China.
Chemical composition: NaAlSi2O6 or Na(Al,Fe3+)Si2O6.
Hardness based on Mohs scale: 6,5 - 7.
Crystal and gemstone meanings, Detailed Jade properties