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Almandine – 925 silver

Almandine – 925 silver

Regular price €32.99 EUR
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Almandine is an iron aluminium silicate. Its name is derived from the town of Almandine in Asia Minor. Stone's ranges in colour from light to deep scarlet, dark red and muted shades of brown.

Almandine is connected to the base chakra. It has supportive energy that helps overcome feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry by making you feel secure and grounded. It will enable you to perceive the absolute support of the Universe in all aspects of your life. It will also help you find and maintain joy and happiness. Almandine is the stone of Tangible Truth because it will help you manifest a realistic version of the world you live in. This particular stone will allow you to access your own personal truths, as well as integrate them in your life.

Your relationship with your partner may enjoy an increase in intimacy and passion, with this stone's help. It will also balance the flow of energies in the body, activating the Kundalini energy. Moreover, you can use it to treat fertility.

Country of origin: Turkey
Chemical composition: Fe2+3Al2Si3O12
Hardness based on Mohs scale: 7–7,5

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