Koleksi: Serpentine

Serpentine, often recognized for its snake-like, scaley patterns and rich green color, is a common mineral found globally. It is formed deep within the Earth's mantle from igneous activity and is brought to the surface by tectonic activity over millions of years.

One of the most intriguing features of serpentine is its unique ability to resist the transfer of heat. Because of this, serpentine was commonly used in ancient times to create seals, as the mineral did not shatter upon rapid heating and cooling.

In the metaphysical world, serpentine holds a strong connection to Earth energies, making it an excellent grounding stone. It's commonly associated with the heart chakra due to its green hues, thus it's often used in emotional healing and releasing of negative energies.

Serpentine's name, which echoes the word 'serpent', reflects its reputed ability to awaken the 'Kundalini' energy — a transformative spiritual force in yogic philosophy that rises up the spine, bringing enlightenment. The stone's patterns and energy are said to help this powerful energy travel up the spinal column more effectively.

The mineral is also believed to enhance spiritual exploration, opening pathways for energy to flow freely between chakras. Some practitioners use serpentine for meditation, finding that it facilitates access to past and future lives, deepening the understanding of the self and the universe.

While these metaphysical properties can be a fascinating addition to personal and spiritual development, they are companions to individual journeying
