


Coprolite is truly one of nature's most intriguing treasures. Not just for the beauty it can exhibit when polished, but also for its scientific and historical significance. As a term derived from the Greek words "kopros," meaning dung, and "lithos," meaning stone, coprolite refers to the fossilized droppings of ancient animals. These fossil feces offer a direct window into the distant past, providing invaluable information about the earth's prehistoric life and environments.

On the surface, coprolite is a stone-like material often richly textured with a wide array of colors and patterns. The colors range from dull browns and grays to vibrant hues of red, green, or even blue, depending on the mineral content. When cut and polished, the intricate internal patterns come to life, displaying an amazing variety of shapes, colors, and sometimes even revealing the remains of undigested food particles. Each piece of coprolite is unique, a natural work of art formed over millions of years.

The formation of coprolite is an extraordinary process. When an animal defecates, the droppings, assuming they are not disturbed or eroded, begin to undergo a series of chemical changes. The organic material starts to decompose and mineralize, a process facilitated by the minerals present in the surrounding soil or water. Over time, the feces solidify into a stone-like state, preserving the shape and often the contents of the original dropping.

The fascination with coprolite extends beyond its aesthetic appeal. It is of great scientific importance, particularly in the field of paleontology. Studying coprolites can provide crucial insights into the diet, health, and habitats of ancient animals. By analyzing the contents of the coprolite, scientists can deduce what the animal ate, and by extension, the type of environment in which it lived.

Coprolites are also significant in the study of paleoecology, the study of ancient ecosystems. They reveal details about the interactions between different species and their environments. From the predator-prey relationships to the patterns of plant distribution, coprolites offer invaluable snapshots of ancient ecosystems.

Coprolites hold a special place in the world of gemstones and jewelry. Despite their humble origin, they can be cut and polished into attractive cabochons, beads, and other decorative items. Their unique patterns and colors, combined with their intriguing provenance, make them a talking point in any collection.

The range of coprolites is vast, with specimens found worldwide, from the arid deserts of the United States to the remote regions of Madagascar. They come from a variety of animals, from tiny beetles to giant dinosaurs, making each specimen a unique treasure with its own story to tell.

In folklore and crystal healing, coprolites are seen as stones of transformation and past life exploration. Some believe they help the user release past traumas and explore previous lives. They are also thought to assist in overcoming fears and obstacles, symbolizing the ultimate transformation from waste to wonder.

In conclusion, coprolites are fascinating not just as a relic of the past, but as a testament to the extraordinary power of nature's processes. Each piece represents a journey through time, preserving ancient life's fleeting moments in a form that can be appreciated millions of years later. Their scientific significance, combined with their aesthetic appeal, make coprolites a truly unique element of our natural world, one that challenges our perceptions of what constitutes a 'gemstone.' Despite their unconventional origins, they are a testament to nature's ability to transform even the most mundane material into something extraordinary.


Coprolite, deriving its name from the Greek words "kopros" meaning "dung" and "lithos" meaning "stone", is the term for fossilized feces. Fascinatingly, these fossils provide critical insights into the diet, health, and living conditions of ancient animals. Let's delve into the fascinating story of coprolite's origins and formation.


Coprolites are sourced from animals that lived millions of years ago, spanning numerous eras such as the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. These can include organisms ranging from invertebrates to large mammals, with particularly notable coprolites from dinosaurs. Their geographic range is equally diverse, with discoveries made across every continent, including Antarctica.

The importance of coprolites lies in their capacity to preserve components of an animal's diet, providing valuable clues about the eating habits and habitats of extinct species. They can contain fragments of bone, scales, teeth, and plants, or even traces of parasites and bacteria that infected the host animal, revealing intricate details about prehistoric ecosystems.


The formation of coprolite requires a specific sequence of conditions to preserve the fecal matter long enough for fossilization to occur. Here's the step-by-step process:

  1. Defecation: The first stage is, of course, the production of the feces by the original organism. The animal's diet and digestive system play a critical role in determining the composition and appearance of the feces.

  2. Rapid Burial: Soon after defecation, the feces must be rapidly buried. This could occur due to events such as floods, landslides, or even simply being covered by windblown sediment. Rapid burial is necessary to protect the feces from decomposition or consumption by other organisms.

  3. Anaerobic Conditions: Once buried, the feces need to be in anaerobic (oxygen-poor) conditions to slow the decomposition process. This is often accomplished by being submerged in waterlogged or very fine-grained sediment.

  4. Mineralization: Over time, the buried feces undergo a process called permineralization. Groundwater carrying dissolved minerals such as silica or calcite seeps into the microscopic spaces within the feces. As the water evaporates, these minerals are left behind, gradually replacing the organic material with mineral deposits, turning the feces into stone.

  5. Preservation: The final step involves the surrounding sediment hardening into rock, encapsulating the coprolite. Over millions of years, tectonic activity, erosion, or human activity can bring the coprolite back to the surface, where it can be discovered.

The resultant coprolites can vary greatly in appearance, size, and composition. Some resemble their original shape, while others may be distorted by the fossilization process or subsequent geological pressures. The color typically reflects the minerals present during fossilization, and size can range from minuscule pellets to large masses, depending on the size of the originating animal.

In conclusion, coprolites provide an extraordinary window into the past, preserving ancient biological information through a delicate interplay of biological, chemical, and geological processes. Their study, known as coprology, continues to enlighten us about the hidden aspects of ancient life, from diet and disease to environmental conditions and ecological relationships.


Finding Coprolite: Methods and Locations

The discovery and identification of coprolite, or fossilized feces, require a combination of careful field techniques, specialized knowledge, and often, a dose of good fortune. Here, we delve into the precise process of finding and recognizing coprolite.

Where to Look

Coprolites can be found in a wide variety of locations, but certain places offer a higher likelihood of discovery. Paleontological dig sites, where the fossilized remains of ancient organisms are recovered, often yield coprolites. These sites may include regions that were once swamps, rivers, lakes, or seas – areas where the rapid burial of fecal matter was more likely to occur. Geologically older areas, especially those with exposed sedimentary rock layers such as shale, limestone, or sandstone, can also be productive.

Some of the most famous coprolite deposits include the dinosaur coprolites of the Morrison Formation in the western United States, the shark coprolites of the phosphate mines in South Carolina, and the fish coprolites of the Green River Formation in Wyoming.

How to Find

Finding coprolites in the field typically involves one of two strategies: surface prospecting or stratigraphic excavation.

  1. Surface Prospecting: This method involves walking over exposed rock layers and looking for fossils on the surface. Eyes are trained to spot anomalies – unusual colors, textures, or shapes that contrast with the surrounding rock. While this method can be hit-or-miss, many important coprolite finds have been made this way.

  2. Stratigraphic Excavation: This is a more systematic approach typically employed in established dig sites. It involves the careful excavation of sedimentary rock layers, with the exact position of each find recorded to provide context for its deposition.


One of the greatest challenges in coprolite discovery is determining with certainty that what you've found is fossilized feces and not just an oddly-shaped rock. Positive identification often requires lab analysis. Key indicators include:

  1. Shape and Size: The shape and size of the coprolite can provide clues about the animal that produced it. Some coprolites may retain the classic shape of feces, while others may be fragmented or distorted.

  2. Internal Structures: A vital clue to the identity of coprolites is the presence of undigested food particles. Using microscopes or CT scanning, scientists can identify fragments of bone, scales, plant fibers, and more within the coprolite.

  3. Mineral Composition: The mineral composition of coprolites can be different from that of the surrounding sediment, reflecting the unique process of fossilization that they undergo. Techniques like X-ray diffraction or mass spectrometry can be used to analyze their mineral content.

  4. Associations: Finding a coprolite in close association with other animal remains – for example, within the body cavity of a fossilized predator – can provide strong evidence for its identity.

While the above points offer guidance, the identification of coprolites is often a complex process that requires professional expertise. Misidentified coprolites, humorously termed "pseudocoprolites", are not uncommon in the field.

The search for coprolite is a meticulous and intriguing process, steeped in both the thrill of discovery and the rigor of scientific investigation. Each coprolite holds the potential to unlock secrets of our planet's past, shedding light on ancient diets, environments, and ecosystems. The hunt for these "stones of dung" is a testament to the adage that one creature's waste is another creature's (or in this case, scientist's) treasure.


The history of coprolite is, in many ways, the history of life on Earth itself, as it dates back hundreds of millions of years and spans numerous geological eras. The recognition of coprolite as fossilized feces, however, is a comparatively recent development in the annals of human knowledge.

Our understanding of coprolites began with early observations of these unusual stones, often marked by distinctive spirals and patterns. The credit for recognizing these intriguing specimens as fossil feces goes to an English geologist and paleontologist, William Buckland. In the 19th century, Buckland was working on the fossils from the Lias formations of England when he came across oddly shaped and structured stones that contained fossil fragments of bones, scales, and plant material. Intrigued by these findings, Buckland surmised that they were the petrified droppings of ancient creatures, introducing the term "coprolite" in 1829.

The study of coprolites then entered a more systematic phase with the work of Mary Anning, a pioneering English fossil collector, dealer, and paleontologist. Known for her significant contributions to the understanding of Jurassic marine fossil beds, Anning was also instrumental in discovering coprolites. She noticed that certain fossils were commonly found in the abdominal regions of ichthyosaur skeletons and proposed that these were the remnants of the creatures' last meals. Anning's discovery made a significant contribution to paleontology, enabling a deeper understanding of ancient ecosystems and animal diets.

Over time, coprolite deposits were discovered in different parts of the world, offering valuable insights into diverse prehistoric ecosystems. For instance, a large deposit of coprolites in the western United States, attributed to the giant herbivorous dinosaur Apatosaurus, has shed light on the flora of the late Jurassic period. Other notable coprolite finds include specimens from carnivorous dinosaurs, fish, mammals, and even insects, each providing unique glimpses into prehistoric diets and environments.

In addition to their scientific value, coprolites have also had economic significance. In the 19th century, large deposits of coprolites in England were mined as a source of phosphate for use as fertilizer. The "Coprolite Rush" of the mid-19th century saw extensive mining activities, especially in the counties of Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, and Essex, contributing to the agricultural industry of the time.

Today, coprolites have transcended their scientific and agricultural significance to become sought-after collector's items and are even used in jewelry. Polished coprolites reveal beautiful patterns and colors, making them attractive materials for gemstones and decorative objects. Their unique provenance adds an element of intrigue, transforming these remnants of prehistoric life into conversation pieces.

The history of coprolite is indeed a journey from the mundane to the extraordinary. It encapsulates the essence of scientific curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Whether as a window into the distant past, a source of nutrients for crops, or a beautiful gemstone, coprolite continues to be a testament to the remarkable processes of the natural world, illustrating how even the most unassuming substances can hold profound significance.


 Coprolite: The Legend of Ancient Remnants

Coprolites, also known as fossilized feces, may not appear to have the obvious allure of shimmering gemstones or crystals, yet their place in mythology and folklore is as rich and varied as any precious stone. These petrified remnants of prehistoric life provide a tangible link to the past and have inspired a fascinating array of legends.

The Ancient Alchemists

In the world of ancient alchemy, coprolites, particularly those believed to have originated from dragons or other fantastical creatures, were held in high esteem. Alchemists postulated that these fossilized droppings contained potent magical properties. Some even believed that dragon coprolite could serve as the philosopher's stone, the legendary alchemical substance said to be capable of turning base metals into gold and even grant immortality.

In certain texts, dragon coprolite was recommended as an ingredient in the preparation of an elixir of life, bestowing longevity or even immortality on those who consumed it. This, of course, added to the material's mystique and value, leading to a brisk trade in what were often nothing more than ordinary rocks.

The Fossilized Tears of Dragons

In some folklore traditions, coprolites are not viewed as the fossilized excrement of ancient creatures but rather as the solidified tears of mythical beasts. A popular legend tells of dragons, their hearts filled with sorrow, weeping tears that fell to the earth, hardening over time into stones. These 'dragon tears', it was said, carried the raw emotion of these mythical creatures, and they were sought after for their ability to inspire courage and determination in those who carried them.

Protectors Against Evil Spirits

In certain cultures, coprolites were thought to ward off evil spirits. People carried small pieces of coprolite as amulets to protect them from malign forces. In a world filled with unseen threats, these fossilized remains were thought to provide a protective barrier, their ancient energy offering a shield against the dark arts.

The Faeces of Thunderbirds

In Native American mythology, thunderbirds are powerful spirits that shape the weather and the world. In some tribes, coprolites are believed to be the faeces of these mighty beings. As such, they are respected as sacred objects, bearing the power of thunder and lightning. They are often used in rituals to call upon the thunderbirds for strength, wisdom, and guidance.

The Stones of Prophecy

Another legend suggests that coprolites possess prophetic powers. Diviners and seers would cast coprolites upon the ground and read the patterns they formed, believing that these ancient remnants could unveil hidden truths and foretell future events.

The Fossilized Food of Gods

In other legends, coprolites are the petrified remnants of divine meals. Gods, with their insatiable appetites, would consume vast quantities of food. What they left behind became coprolite, a substance considered sacred due to its divine origins. Temples would house these relics, and devotees would offer prayers to them, seeking divine favor.

Each of these legends imbues coprolite with an aura of the magical and mythical, a stark contrast to its humble origins. The tales remind us that in the hands of humans, even the most mundane objects can take on profound significance. Whether as alchemical ingredients, dragon tears, protectors against evil, or divine leavings, coprolites have held a captivating place in the realm of the legendary, a testament to the power of human imagination and belief.

Many millennia ago, when the Earth was young, and colossal creatures roamed the lands, the Coprolite Kingdom thrived beneath the surface. The kingdom was forged from the remains of these great beasts, a testament to their might and a symbol of nature's unending cycles. It was said to be ruled by the Crystal King, a wise and ancient entity embodying the spirit of the land.

As the legend goes, the Crystal King had the power to command the elements, shaping the world to his will. One day, he observed the extraordinary creatures that inhabited the Earth, their strength, and their majesty. But he also noticed the mortality of these beings, their vulnerability to time and decay. He wondered if there was a way to preserve their vitality, to capture their essence for eternity.

The Crystal King called upon the mightiest creature in the land, a great dinosaur known as Titanus. Titanus was a colossus of strength, renowned throughout the world for his indomitable spirit. The king told Titanus of his wish, and the mighty creature agreed to aid him in his endeavor.

Together, the Crystal King and Titanus created a special bond. Each time Titanus would consume his meal, the Crystal King would cast a powerful spell, converting the animal's waste into a magical substance. This substance, known as coprolite, contained the energy, spirit, and essence of the creature from which it came.

Over time, this material was buried beneath the surface, where it underwent a remarkable transformation. Encased within the layers of the earth, the coprolites crystallized, transforming into beautiful and unique gemstones. Thus, the kingdom of coprolites came into being, preserving the essence of these prehistoric giants and testifying to the grandeur of the world they once ruled.

As the eons passed, the legend of the Coprolite Kingdom spread, passed down from generation to generation. Miners began to discover these crystallized remains, finding them in abundance beneath the earth's surface. The once living and breathing creatures had left a part of themselves behind, telling their story through the coprolites they produced.

However, the legend also told of a prophecy. It was said that when the world was in its direst need, the Crystal King would return. He would summon the power of the Coprolite Kingdom, calling forth the spirits of the ancient creatures captured within the stones. These spirits would then help restore balance to the Earth, reminding mankind of the might and majesty of the natural world they often took for granted.

Throughout the ages, the legend of the Coprolite Kingdom has captivated many. Scientists, intrigued by the tale, embarked on studies and expeditions, their findings giving credence to the legend. They discovered that these stones, once merely considered fossilized feces, were indeed coprolites, bearing the markers of the Earth's prehistoric past.

The beauty of the coprolite crystals, their unique patterns, and the energy they hold continue to inspire and fascinate. Today, they are sought after by collectors and gem enthusiasts, used in jewelry, and studied by scientists. To many, they serve as a reminder of the enduring legend and the profound wisdom it carries – the cyclic nature of life, the interconnectivity of all living beings, and the immense power and beauty of the natural world.

Even now, the legend of the Crystal King and the Coprolite Kingdom lives on. As the world changes, many look to the coprolite crystals and the spirits they contain for guidance and inspiration. The legacy of these ancient beings continues to echo through time, captured forever within the heart of the Coprolite Kingdom, waiting for the day when the Crystal King might once again awaken.

Coprolite Mystical Properties: Echoes from the Past

Coprolite, despite its unglamorous origin as fossilized feces, offers a deeply intriguing glimpse into prehistoric life. As a relic from a time when giants walked the earth, it has earned a place of significance within the mystical realm. While modern understanding does not categorize it as a crystal in the same vein as amethyst or quartz, the rich tapestry of beliefs and traditions surrounding coprolite gives it an undeniable metaphysical charm.

Chronomancy and Temporal Energy

Coprolites are millions of years old, bridging the vast divide between our time and epochs long past. For this reason, practitioners believe they harbor temporal energy, making them powerful tools for chronomancy, or time divination. Meditating with a coprolite can help one achieve a sense of timelessness, facilitating glimpses into ancient eras or tapping into ancestral memories buried deep within one's DNA.

Grounding and Earth Connection

The very nature of coprolite — its origin as a once organic substance — creates a profound connection to the earth. Those feeling adrift or disconnected from their environment may find that meditating with or simply holding a piece of coprolite can provide a grounding experience, anchoring one's energy and harmonizing with the natural world.

Enhancement of Survival Instinct

Given that coprolite hails from epochs marked by the fierce struggle of life, it is thought to contain the essence of survival and perseverance. By tapping into this energy, individuals can bolster their resilience and endurance, making it a treasured companion during challenging times or endeavors.

Stimulating Evolution and Transformation

From a metaphysical perspective, the transformative journey of coprolite, from organic matter to fossil, can inspire personal growth and evolution. Spiritual seekers often turn to coprolite to aid them in shedding outdated beliefs, habits, or patterns, embracing change and emerging renewed, much like the phoenix rising from its ashes.

Protection and Warding

Ancient cultures, recognizing the mystical allure of coprolite, believed it could offer protection from malevolent forces. In the modern mystical community, some regard coprolites as talismans that can shield one from negative energies, warding off psychic attacks or dispelling dark auras. The rationale is that the ancient energy encased within coprolite acts as a repellant, preventing modern-day negativity from taking root.

Aiding Past-Life Regressions

Given coprolite's age and connection to primordial epochs, it's seen by some as a bridge to one's past lives. Those looking to explore or heal traumas and experiences from previous incarnations may find coprolite a valuable ally. Its energy can act as a catalyst, opening doors to forgotten lifetimes and facilitating a deeper understanding of one's soul journey.

Chakra Alignment

While not traditionally linked to any specific chakra, some believe that coprolite, with its deep earthly resonance, can aid in balancing the root chakra. By aligning this chakra, one can nurture feelings of security, stability, and belonging.

In conclusion, coprolite, though an unconventional choice in the world of gemology and crystal healing, boasts a rich array of mystical properties. Its unique journey from organic to inorganic, from the living world to the silent embrace of the earth, endows it with an energy that resonates deeply with those attuned to the ancient rhythms of our planet. Whether seeking grounding, protection, transformation, or a bridge to bygone eras, coprolite stands as a testament to the enduring magic of the natural world.

In the magical world, coprolite crystals possess an exceptional place due to their unique formation process. Each coprolite crystal is steeped in the energy of the ancient world, holding the essence of prehistoric creatures that once roamed the Earth. Their primordial energy makes them unique tools for rituals and spellwork, especially those related to transformation, preservation, and grounding.

To begin utilizing coprolite crystals in magic, it's important to establish a connection with them. Spend time holding the crystal, allowing yourself to feel its weight and texture. Meditate with it, inviting its ancient energy into your awareness. As you do this, try to visualize the world from which the coprolite originated, brimming with towering creatures and verdant vegetation. This practice can create a strong bond between you and the crystal, aligning your energy with its potent vibrations.

Grounding is one of the most prominent uses of coprolite in magical practices. Its deep connection to the Earth, representing centuries of geological and biological transformations, makes it a powerful grounding stone. Place a piece of coprolite at your feet or hold it in your hand during meditation or ritual work to help anchor your energy and establish a stable connection with the Earth.

Coprolite also embodies the power of transformation and change. It began as something that was discarded, only to transform over millions of years into a beautiful and unique gemstone. This makes it a potent tool for transformation spells and rituals. Use coprolite when you're seeking to transform negative energies into positive ones, or when you're facing a significant change in your life. The crystal can serve as a powerful reminder of nature's ability to transform and adapt, instilling confidence and resilience in the face of change.

Preservation is another mystical attribute associated with coprolite. As it contains the essence of creatures that roamed the Earth millions of years ago, it serves as a symbol of the preservation of life and energy. You can use coprolite in spells aimed at preserving health, vitality, or other important aspects of life. Carry a piece with you as a talisman, or use it as a centerpiece in your spellwork.

Coprolite can also be used in past life exploration and ancestral work. Given its connection to prehistoric life, it can serve as a bridge to the past, helping you delve into previous lives or connect with ancestral wisdom. In these practices, hold or gaze into the coprolite crystal while meditating, allowing its energy to guide your journey into the depths of the past.

In magical healing work, coprolite’s potent energy is believed to stimulate the life force within us, assisting in revitalizing energy levels and encouraging growth on all levels. Use it in healing rituals or place it on the body to direct its revitalizing energy where it's needed.

Remember, the magic of any crystal, including coprolite, is deeply personal and subjective. What works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it is vital to approach your work with coprolite – or any crystal – with an open mind and heart. Allow your intuition to guide you, listen to the whispers of the stone, and let your personal experiences shape your path of magical practice with coprolite crystals.



